Dr. Margo Pearce is a CIHR Health Systems Impact Fellowship-supported postdoctoral fellow in the clinical prevention division at BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC School of Population and Public Health (SPPH). She completed her MPP at Simon Fraser University, her MSc at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and her PhD at UBC SPPH. In addition, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the Canadian HIV Trials Network. Margo's research interests include Indigenous people's health and wellness; adversity, resilience, and health over the life course; and healing-centred health policies and systems. Her current postdoctoral research at BCCDC is in partnership with the First Nations Health Authority. This work seeks to: 1) identify systemic deficiencies in the provision of HCV care to First Nations in BC, and 2) apply a strengths and wellness-based perspective to First Nations people’s experiences within the HCV cascade of care.